October 27, 2020

Prescription Painkillers to Opioid Addiction

Prescription opioids are not to be taken lightly. Drugs like OxyContin, Percocet, and Vicodin are prescribed at unbelievably high rates, even amid an opioid addiction epidemic. While such drugs can alleviate pain, they are highly addictive and can dramatically alter the course of one's life.  Last week, we shared the...

October 21, 2020

Fewer Young Adults Abuse Alcohol

Alcohol and marijuana are mind-altering substances that can significantly impact the course of one's life. Both are legal for adults to use, but they are not without their risks. Moreover, those who begin using at a young age are apt to experience a myriad of consequences.  Disordered drinking is one...

October 16, 2020

Prescription Opioid Abuse Declines

Opioid use disorder most often begins with prescription painkillers, either prescribed by a doctor or diverted from a friend or family member. Opioid narcotics like oxycodone and hydrocodone are highly addictive. The former medication has made a lot of news in recent years owing to the litany of lawsuits...

December 19, 2019

Global Disease Burden of Alcohol

With all the discussion in the news about illicit drug use, it can be easy to gloss over the dangers of legal, mind-altering substances. Alcohol, for instance, is embedded into not only the fabric of American culture but much of the western world. Experts estimate that drinking is responsible...

August 1, 2019

Binge Drinking Among Older Americans

Our focus in the field of addiction medicine is most often on young people. Stemming the tide of alcohol and substance use disorder is crucial to preventing men and women from having severe health problems later in life. It is vital to encourage individuals to ask for help when...

April 25, 2019

Health Complications Affecting People in Recovery

Men and women who find addiction recovery have an opportunity to rebuild their lives. Millions of Americans in the United States and abroad are working programs of long-term recovery. Any person who is struggling with alcohol or substance use disorder can do him or herself an invaluable service by...

March 29, 2019

Fentanyl: Opioid Epidemic’s Third Act

The number of overdose deaths involving fentanyl was stable in 2011 (1,663) and 2012 (1,615), according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Then, there were 18,335 fentanyl-related overdose deaths in 2016. The dramatic rise is staggering enough to give anyone pause. The opioid crisis in America...