prescription opioid use
October 16, 2020

Prescription Opioid Abuse Declines

Opioid use disorder most often begins with prescription painkillers, either prescribed by a doctor or diverted from a friend or family member. Opioid narcotics like oxycodone and hydrocodone are highly addictive. The former medication has made a lot of news in recent years owing to the litany of lawsuits...

July 16, 2020

Recovery Community Impacted by Pandemic

At Hemet Valley Recovery Center & Sage Retreat, our thoughts and prayers are with the families who have been severely impacted by the pandemic. We understand that millions of Americans are grieving and fearful of contracting the coronavirus. In many states, the public health crisis is worsening, so it...

February 14, 2020

Naloxone Saves Lives and Helps People with Opioid Use Disorders

It's hard to imagine how much deadlier the American opioid addiction epidemic would be if it were not for naloxone. Often sold under the brand name Narcan, naloxone is a drug that can reverse the potentially fatal effects of an opioid overdose. If the naloxone is administered in a timely...

November 15, 2019

Opioid Epidemic: Children Suffering in the Shadows

Hundreds of thousands of Americans have lost their lives due to overdose over the last two decades. The opioid addiction epidemic has impacted millions more; loved ones lost, and families separated – torn apart by substance use disorder – the cost of this public health crisis is steep.Headlines and...

July 18, 2019

Prescripion Opioids in America

Chronic pain affects millions of Americans. The standard treatment for persistent discomfort is prescription narcotics—opioids. When prescribed responsibly and taken as directed for short durations, they are a relatively safe method of mitigating pain. However, drugs like oxycodone and hydrocodone are overprescribed, and they have a high propensity for...

June 27, 2019

Opioid Addiction and Overprescribing: A Global Epidemic

Despite the warnings and some 130 overdose deaths per day in America, surgeons still prescribe painkillers at alarming rates. A new report from Kaiser Health News (KHN) and Johns Hopkins shows that they are prescribing many times the recommended number of opioids.Surgeons continue to prescribe far more opioids for...

November 9, 2018

Opioid Misuse Warning Signs

The National Vital Statistics System indicates that 115 Americans die from drug toxicity each day. However, it is often the case that overdose deaths come as a surprise to loved ones, more times than you might think. Those who find themselves battling substance use disorder learn fairly quickly that...