April 17, 2020

Alcohol Relapse Increases Risk of Contracting Coronavirus

Billions of people fear contracting the coronavirus known as COVID-19, and for rational reasons. Millions of people in addiction recovery have the same concern, but they are also worried about the strength of their program. Such individuals lack the resources they could always rely on and are forced to...

February 27, 2020

Older Adults Battling Addiction: Treatment and Recovery

Last week, we covered the topic of young people in the grips of addiction and the options available for those who desire recovery. We shared the benefits of seeking age-specific addiction treatment services as well.This week we’d like to share the fact that many older adults, retirees, or those...

December 19, 2019

Global Disease Burden of Alcohol

With all the discussion in the news about illicit drug use, it can be easy to gloss over the dangers of legal, mind-altering substances. Alcohol, for instance, is embedded into not only the fabric of American culture but much of the western world. Experts estimate that drinking is responsible...

August 1, 2019

Binge Drinking Among Older Americans

Our focus in the field of addiction medicine is most often on young people. Stemming the tide of alcohol and substance use disorder is crucial to preventing men and women from having severe health problems later in life. It is vital to encourage individuals to ask for help when...

July 25, 2019

Sharing About Addiction Recovery Inspires Others

The road to addiction recovery is a little different for each person, but once people decide to turn their lives around, the outcome is universal. Working a program gives men and women the tools to lead productive lives. No longer choosing to escape one’s problems, they can tackle obstacles...

April 12, 2019

Binge Drinking in College is Common and Dangerous

In honor of Alcohol Awareness Month, we would like to discuss college drinking. Individuals who drink too much at university are at a higher risk of drinking heavily after graduation. Provided however that alcohol use does not lead to their dropping out ahead of commencement.Writing for the Harvard University...

April 5, 2019

Alcohol Use Disorder Symptoms and Solutions

The month of April is the perfect time to open up a dialogue about a mental health condition that impacts millions of people. April is Alcohol Awareness Month: “Help for Today, Hope for Tomorrow.” Sponsored by Facing Addiction with NCADD, the national observance provides communities an opportunity to recognize...

August 17, 2018

Binge Drinking Carries Significant Risks

Alcohol, the drug of choice of most Americans, is often considered to be safe, despite significant evidence to the contrary. It makes sense that people think the substance is benign, after all, you can purchase beer, liquor, and wine just about anywhere—in some places around the clock. Even young...