mixing drugs and alcohol
January 22, 2021

The Hidden Dangers of Mixing Drugs and Alcohol

Mixing Drugs and Alcohol: An Unsafe Decision Having just one drink while taking drugs of any kind, including prescription medications, can have a significant impact on your health. Some mixtures of drugs and alcohol can even have lethal consequences. It is critical to be aware of the hidden dangers of...

August 10, 2020

What Drug is Most Commonly Abused by Older Adults?

Whether it’s problem drinking or the misuse of prescription medication, substance use is a significant problem for older adults – in fact, it is one of the fastest growing health issues in the United States. This pattern of behavior often goes unchecked because people are unlikely to confront older...

February 28, 2018

4 Substances Commonly Abused by Older Adults

The baby boomer generation came of age during the 1960s and 1970s, an area marked by changing attitudes toward drug and alcohol use, and substance use disorder has remained prevalent among this population as they’ve aged. In fact, substance use disorder rates among those 50 and older are expected...