January 16, 2019

Treating Mental Illness In The Military Family

Men and women who serve in the military are entitled to receive adequate medical and psychological care. Those who deploy overseas face significant obstacles, risking both life and limb. The impact this type of existence can have on such people is high. Many servicemen and women who come back...

August 17, 2018

Binge Drinking Carries Significant Risks

Alcohol, the drug of choice of most Americans, is often considered to be safe, despite significant evidence to the contrary. It makes sense that people think the substance is benign, after all, you can purchase beer, liquor, and wine just about anywhere—in some places around the clock. Even young...

June 14, 2018

PTSD Affects Millions of Americans

Last month, HVRC took time to acknowledge the 4 million plus heroes working in the nursing profession during National Nurse Week. We discussed how people working in jobs where trauma and stress are commonplace are at a higher risk of experiencing mental health problems, compared to those who work...

April 26, 2018

Addiction Treatment In America

Right now, a significant number of people in the United States are observing National Addiction Treatment Week. During this time, the American Society of Addiction Medicine (ASAM) asks that we all do our part to raise awareness about mental illness, specifically alcohol and substance use disorder. The organization wants...

January 26, 2018

Educating Young People About Addiction

It’s best to be informed when it comes to making decisions that could dramatically impact the course of your life. Doing your research gives you the ability to make choices that foster progress, failure to do so can result in severe consequences down the road. The more you know,...

January 12, 2018

Protecting Your Recovery: Cigarettes, Relapse, and Zombies

Maintaining a program of addiction recovery is not an easy task, to be sure; one’s disease is always looking for an opportunity to resume control. Relapse prevention is the watchword of the addiction treatment industry; committed to helping people achieve lasting recovery. There are things that people can do...