Mental Health Crisis Hotline Calls Spike During the Pandemic

mental health

At Hemet Valley Recovery Center & Sage Retreat, we continue to provide you with information about life in recovery during a pandemic. Since last week, the number of confirmed cases of COVID-19 in America has nearly doubled from 245,573 to 467,184 cases. We now have by far the most cases of the potentially deadly coronavirus compared to any other country.

Sadly, the COVID-19 related death toll continues to rise around the globe; 97,264 people have died worldwide, and 16,736 of those deaths happened in America. Again, our hearts go out to all the families who have lost a loved one to the pandemic.

Thankfully, there is some evidence that the number of new cases may begin to slow because of preventive measures taken by millions of people. Social distancing, sheltering in place, and self-quarantining have proven to be effective in the fight against the spread of coronavirus. Regular hand washing/sanitizing and wearing personal protective equipment (PPE) like face masks has helped too.

If you are taking the above measures, then please continue to do so; we are far from being in the clear of this severe public health crisis. As we mentioned last week, it is essential for people in recovery and those living with anxiety disorders to safeguard their mental well-being.

Attending meetings and constant contact with your support network is essential to coping with this new way of life. COVID-19 is scary, and it’s natural to feel extremely vulnerable; you must be vigilant about protecting your recovery and tending to your mental health needs.

The Pandemic is Affecting People’s Mental Health

It may not surprise you to learn that the Disaster Distress Helpline – a service run by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) – has been inundated with calls of late. In February, there was a 338 percent increase in call volume compared with last February, according to CNN. Moreover, the helpline saw an 891 percent increase in calls this March, compared to that time last year.

Millions of Americans cope with mental and behavioral health disorders, and their well-being has been understandably compromised of late. When you consider people’s heightened anxiety and feelings of uncertainty, it can be too much for some individuals to handle. Add in the fact that an untold number of Americans are grieving, and at least 17 million men and women have lost their jobs; it’s no wonder why there has been a spike in calls for support.

SAMHSA’s Disaster Distress Helpline – launched in 2012 – provides counseling for people facing mental health symptoms during natural and human-caused disasters. The program’s website reads:

“This toll-free, multilingual, and confidential crisis support service is available to all residents in the United States and its territories. Stress, anxiety, and other depression-like symptoms are common reactions after a disaster. Call 1-800-985-5990 or text TalkWithUs to 66746 to connect with a trained crisis counselor.” 

Addiction Recovery and Mental Health Services

While speaking with a counselor over the phone is beneficial, some individuals are in need of more comprehensive care. Addiction and mental health treatment are essential services under any circumstance, which is why Hemet Valley Recovery Center is continuing to care for patients.

At HVRC, we are following every Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) COVID-19 guidelines to protect the health and safety of our clients and staff members. We invite you to reach out to us if you are battling addiction or have a co-occurring disorder. Take the first step toward recovery with HVRC & Sage Retreat by calling 866-273-0868 for a confidential assessment.